October 17 - 19, 2024
Loyola Marymount University
1 LMU Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90045

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Afrocentric Perspective in Social Work

Oct 27 2022
10:15 AM - 11:0 AM

This presentation will discuss and share the Black perspective, the Afrocentric perspective, the comparison of the perspectives, and concepts, and how to apply these perspectives using case examples related to social work. In Social Work Schools, there are various theories and perspectives that are taught by experts in the field and learned by students for the purpose of implementing the theories and perspectives in practice. The theories and perspectives can range from the psychoanalysis perspective which was developed by Sigmund Freud to more contemporary perspectives such as Strengths Perspectives. In addition to some of the previously mentioned perspectives, there are other perspectives taught in schools of social work at historically black colleges and universities also known as HBCUs. The HBCUs have diverse perspectives in their Schools of Social Work.

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